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Our mission:

To provide the best : hassle free and complete home solutions right from the comfort of your home.

About Us

We at Shanayahomes .com strive to provide numero uno and humane housing solutions under the various headings mentioned in the product category.
But the first two
1) Take care of my home 🏡
2) Take care of my home 🏡 and parents are the two concepts very very close to us.
Many of us were born and brought up in our ancestral homes : homes built by the sweet and toil of our parents: homes where we fought and reconciled with our siblings ; home we loved every inch . But many of us are now dislocated from our homes due to various compelling reasons and howsoever we wish to ,we cannot take care of our most passionate and cherished possesion “ our home”.
Then there are our parents who with age need support and care but are neglected and unattended. There is no one to take care of them .

We at Shanaya homes.com pledge to show genuine “CONCERN” take gentle loving “CARE” and be with them as a wholehearted “PROTECTION “.

We can’t be you for them but here at Shanaya homes.com we promise to be the second best .